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the best character bios page! DBZ! Your
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This site is totally about SSJ Gohan. This site contains movie's, gif's, pictures's, and much more!! a
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Home Page and some really nice DBZ songs, If your looking for some cool interactivity I have 4 really challenging games that you can play on the internet, I have 6 polls and a guestbook where you can give me feedback on your opinion about your favorite character, my site and more, and some really neat quizes to test your knoledge on each saga in DBZ. Enjoy! 11/25/00- I got a new guestbook so make sure to sign it. I also made a new Title for my site, take a look. I've also added a credits section to my site to recognize the people who helped me make the site. 11/26/00- Ive redone my image gallery so most of the broken links are cleaned out. Please tell your friends obout this site. Ive also added a new game, Namek, check it out.
-You can use anything on my site for your website if you wish. I dont care so don't feel hesitant. -If there are any broken links please notifiy me by signing my guestbook. -I am reformating my image gallery to have no broken images so plase be patient.
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